Welcome to aiordr

aiordr is an easy-to-use asynchronous wrapper for the osu! API


  • Support for modern async syntax (async with)

  • Event decorators

  • Rate limit handling

  • Easy to use

Getting started

If you are new to this library, you should familiarize yourself with the following pages:

Getting help

If you need assistance, you should look here:

Breaking changes

v0.2.2: The close() method of the client is now named aclose() as per naming conventions for asynchronous methods. The old method is still available with a deprecation warning, but will be removed on 2024-03-01.

v0.1.0: The library now uses Pydantic v2. This means that the following changes have occured:

  • The dict method has been renamed to model_dump

  • The json method has been renamed to model_dump_json

  • The parse_obj method has been renamed to model_validate

  • The parse_raw method has been renamed to model_validate_json

  • The parse_file method has been renamed to model_validate_file

Note: The old methods are still available with a deprecation warning, but will be removed in Pydantic v3.


Documentation for the API client can be found below.


Documentation for aiordr types can be found below.

Library Classes

Documentation for aiordr classes can be found below.